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A warm welcome awaits you at
Cole Street Methodist Church

Welcome to Cole Street Methodist Church

and thank you for taking time to visit our website.

We are a relevant, diverse, family-friendly, Christ-centred church located in Netherton, Dudley, in the heart of the Black Country.

We are focused on our mission to respond to the gospel of God's love through evangelism, worship, service, learning and caring. We are passionate about our local community and seek to connect this and the wider community with God.​ We are trying to be Christ-like as best we can!

We have a variety of services, events, children and young peoples' programmes and activities for all ages. You can find all of the finer details through our pages on our website.

Navigate our website using the 'Menu Bar' at the top of the page (or the bars on mobile version) and the dropdown options which appear or take a look at our quick links below which guide you to our most popular pages.​

Acts of Worship this week:

23.03.25 - 3rd Sunday in Lent

10:30am - Morning Worship led by Andrew Biggs including Sunday School

6:00pm - Evening Circuit Worship at St. James' led by Dr Andrew Bagnall

Church Events this week:

External Groups:

17.03.25 | 7:00pm | Circuit Meeting

19.03.25 | 1:00pm | Toddler Group

21.03.25 | 6:00pm | Circuit Youth Group

22.03.25 | 10:00am | Cleaning & Working Party

17.03.25 | 9am & 10:30am | Slimming World

17.03.25 | 5:30pm & 7pm | Slimming World

18.03.25 | 7:00pm | Body Combat

20.03.25 | 10:30am | Zumba

20.03.25 | 7:00pm | Legs, Bums & Tums

Worship at Cole Street

Find out more about our worship & services at Cole Street as well as our preaching plan.

What's on?

Get involved at Cole Street; there's something for everyone. Find out about everything going on at Cole Street - worship, activities, socials, events and much, much more!
Also see here for our children & young people's programmes.


About Us

Since 1821, Cole Street has served and witnessed in Darby End and Netherton.
Find out more about us, our history, who we are, what we stand for and how we serve our local community.

Church News

Get the latest news from Cole Street, including our newsletter and social media feed.

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Life Events

Find out more details about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals at Cole Street.


Throughout the year, we collect non-perishable food items in aid of the work of our local FoodBank.
Please place your kind donations into the red boxes located on the stage front in the Main Hall.
We are proud to help this vital organisation, thank you.
Visit them at:


Find & Contact Us

Details on where we are and how to get in touch.


We could not fulfil our vision, learning to love as Jesus does and fulfilling his mission in the community, without the generosity of so many people who provide their time, talents and financial support to the life and ministry of Cole Street.  

© Cole Street Methodist Church | 2016-2025

In conjunction with the Methodist Church Social Media Policy and Safeguarding Policy
Cole Street Methodist Church | Darby End | Netherton | Dudley | West Midlands | UK | DY2 9PA

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